"And by the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so, on that day God rested from all God's work.” (Genesis 2:2).

“We believe in the right of the laboring man [and woman] to organize for protection against unjust conditions and to secure a more adequate share of the fruits of their toil." (Disciples of Christ, 1938).


Dear Disciples of Christ,

Our God worked to create the universe and, through this divine activity, endowed all work with dignity and worth; and this dignity and worth extends to all who work. Furthermore, in our Holy Scriptures, God expresses a strong concern about workers, especially those who are being mistreated, abused, or cheated out of what they are owed by their employers (see, for example, Deuteronomy 34:15, Jeremiah 22:13, and John 5:17).

Based on this Biblical affirmation of the dignity of work and the rights of workers, the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada has affirmed the right to form unions (Res. 0720), denounced wage theft (Res.1326), and called for increases in the minimum wage on the way to a living wage (Res.0517). It is therefore consistent with both our understanding of the Scriptural imperative and our past support of worker justice, for us, as both faithful Christians and active citizens, to express our strong support for the PRO (Protecting the Right to Organize) Act.

This being the case, DC4PW (The Disciples Center for Public Witness and DJAN (Disciples Justice Action Network) invite you to read and sign a LETTER to your Senators and Representative, urging them to support and pass H.R.20 and S.567, the PRO Act.  In this way, as part of our recognition of Labor Day, we can – as faithful Christians and engaged citizens - put our faith to work on behalf of greater justice for America’s workers.

Read the LETTER and add your name HERE .